Life has a lot of transition phases, the real mystery behind this transformation process is hidden in the beauty of the seed and revealed in the wonderful growth that is revealed over a seasoned time. We are told that every journey starts with one foot in front of the other, and this should be every travellers’ realistic expectation if they intend to enjoy the journey. The paradox of life is that the more things we acquire and the easier some things get for us, the more discontent we become. Not one- not even multimillionaires seem to know how to relax and just enjoy the present moments anymore, we are all so accustomed to achieve goals that we forget that sometimes the reward is not so rewarding once it is giving to the person who didn’t enjoy the process.

Having the end in mind is of paramount importance, but if you don’t expect   process then you ran into one, you will think you’re failing when it’s just the current stage of the game. Happiness isn’t in trying to achieve goals; it’s in knowing that the process, and not the outcome is what makes you wise, happy or otherwise. Thus finding happiness means taking the time to enjoy what’s around us today, taking the time to appreciate that we’re alive, that today is all we have and that the process is all we have.

The process is all about mastering the times, the wisdom of Solomon helps support this claim as he tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, that to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. He further explains how in the process of life every individual will cross paths with lifes duos; birth and death, break downs and build ups, gains and losses, war and peace. All these experiences are a part of the grand process that builds up the answer to what life is; Process.   

Let your life reflect your faith in transmutations, grapes must be crushed to make wine, diamonds form under pressure, olives are pressed to release oil and seeds grow in darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation. It is unwise for a diamond to complain about the pressure, this is because the pressure is the process that is essential to it BECOMING. How can the clay ever protest to the potter about what it was made for?

God, the creator saw it fit that each individual goes through a series of process in this life in order for them to become the best versions of themselves. There is no going back or escaping the idea of low moments, failures and high moments of success in this life. the two are eternally juxtaposed, and thus co-exist in process. Whatever you’re going through, trust the process and do what the process requires you to do, because it takes what it takes to become; there is no shortcut to maturation.

Don’t let the enemy try to keep you bound in fear. Stay in faith and trust the process. Be still, God has a pan.

The laws of life have got mystical connotations but one thing remains true; Ambition has a price and the price we all have to pay is the price of patience. The longer we live the more we come to the realization that our dreams tend to manifest at the moments we least expect them; there are times when they manifest when we feel it is too early and there are also times when they manifest at moments when we feel it is too late. However, if we all made the efforts to desist from entertaining the thoughts of when success will come to us and focus instead on consistently taking the deliberate steps on a day to day basis of working in the direction of our dreams, then and only then will we truly find success.  

Working hard and trusting the process will move you from obscurity to fame, from poverty to riches and from mediocrity to a life of excellence. The people we see succeeding have done so because once upon a time; when they were in the shadows and far away from the spotlight, when the world did not know their name, when all they had was discipline and a dream in their heart; they labored consistently and diligently until like a flash of lightening their day of reckoning came; this day of reckoning is called success, it is the day when all that they dreamt of and labored for manifested into reality.

The challenge that plagues the human race is this; We want to arrive so fast that when others arrive before us we feel dejected, depressed and discouraged. We are so fixated on the short term that we dismiss the big picture. As we take the necessary steps to transform our lives for the better, we bombard ourselves with many questions, questions like “Why should I trust the process?” will my life ever get any better?” “am I just a dreamer and wishful thinker?”

There are many stories of men and women that have endured and trusted the process. One of the inspiring ones is that of Winston Churchill. Churchill’s claim to glory came at the height of the second world war when the British people searched for a person that could lead them against NAZI Germany under Adolf Hitler; they found that individual in the persona of the 66-year-old Winston Churchill. This was a man that the people of Britain had forgotten about and if not for the war the world would not have known his name. But when the war started to become very serious everybody turned to him for leadership. When asked many years later how he felt when he was elected British Prime minister at that defining moment in world history, Churchill said the following words;

“I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial, I thought I knew a good deal about it all, I was sure I should not fail.”

The life of Winston Churchill before the second war was marked by a few successes but great failures that even led to depression. Despite some of the setbacks of his life, Churchill was a man of big dreams and as a result he prepared himself. Even though he did not know what he was preparing for, his instincts always told him that he was destined to do something great and when that moment came, it did not come as a surprise but it came because he labored and trusted the process.

Jeff Goins in his book the art of work writes;

“Before you know what your calling is, you must believe you are called to something. Before you begin your life’s work, you need to prepare. Chances come to us all, but only those who are ready recognize them. God wastes nothing, all of what you are going through is playing a part in what you are going to be tomorrow. What may look like irrelevance now can lead to legacy later.”    

 TRUST THE PROCESS, better days are coming.

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

4 thoughts on “TRUST THE PROCESS

  1. Good write up and so encouraging especially in our trying moments of the covid-19 pandemic. It’s only a phase,a process we need to endure and get over it……thanks once More.👌

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