Wikipedia defines mentorship as a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.

We are all being mentored, whether intentionally or unintentionally, but it is best we take responsibility for my life and be intentional about our mentorship.

Mentorship matters because it allows you to live life with the lessons and perspective of those who have gone ahead of you without having to pay the cost of the lessons life taught them. They made the mistakes so we don’t have to. Mentorship defines and refines purpose. I am deliberate about my life because I am mentored. In an age of so much information and alternatives, mentorship helps narrow down and focus on what truly. With mentorship, growth is automatically exponential.

I, personally, am an advocate for not just mentorship, but godly mentorship and one of the best platforms I have found that provides sustainable and godly mentorship is Set Apart International. I am a product of mentorship at Set Apart International, and my life has not been the same since joining in 2016.

Set Apart International is a non-profit making interdenominational organization that addresses the needs of young single men, women, boys and girls across the world. They aim to develop young men and women through godly mentorship who will be fruitful in their families, churches, work places, communities and the nation at large.

Set Apart International attracts young men and women mostly aged between 16 to 30 years of age. These are made up of scholars, school leavers, university and college students, young professionals, young entrepreneurs and young artists.

Membership to Set Apart International is free of charge so that no one is hindered from participating.If you would like to get connected to a mentorship program near you please call the Set Apart Head Office on +260 963 040 723 or email


Mentors have an invaluable role to play with regard to our success. They help us navigate with ease in our respective undertakings and their example shows us that the things we aspire to accomplish are very possible.

The past decisions and experiences of mentors enables them to have a better understanding of life and this is what results in their ability to give profound advice with regard to what works and what does not work in a particular field or industry.

Therefore, if you want to save yourself from making unnecessary mistakes then you must make take the necessary steps to find a mentor. Success can be mirrored by emulating individuals that have already embarked on the path you intend to pursue.

Dr. Mike Murdock in his book “7 keys to 1000 times more,” explains that there are 4 types of mentorship;

  1. Parental mentorship which is wisdom received through your parents.
  2. Pastoral mentorship which is wisdom received through your spiritual leader and pastor of your church.
  3. Professional mentorship which is wisdom received through an employer, supervisor or career sages.
  4. Prophetic mentorship which is wisdom that comes through uncommon anointing’s of uncommon men of God assigned to you during crisis and critical turning points of your life.

It must also be understood that mentors are not only individuals that we know on a personal basis, mentors can also be the people that we admire from afar or those that we have read about in books.

All the great men and women that have ever lived have had positive influences in their lives. For example; Warren buffet had Benjamin Graham, Barack Obama had Harold Washington, Pastor Choolwe has Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Hakainde Hichilema had Anderson Mazoka and so on.

If you’re serious about success, find a mentor.

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.


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