The 1950s and 60s were a revolutionary period on the African continent. This was a time when many nations attained their independence from colonial rule. It was a time of real unity and collective determination to bring to an end many years of oppression at the hands of the colonial masters. It was during these times that on 24th 0ctober, 1964 a nation called Zambia was born.  

When the union jack (the British flag) was lowered and the Zambian flag was holstered up, the people rejoiced. Their source of happiness lay in the fact that with collective effort and determination, they succeeded to do the impossible-they defeated the British empire.

The men and women that were alive at that historic moment believed in a future of limitless possibilities. They believed that if they could overcome British colonial rule, they could also overcome poverty, illiteracy and many other national challenges.

Upon attaining independence, our founding leaders instilled in themselves a sense of optimism in the promise and the future of this nation. This sense of optimism was contagious to the Zambian people, because when the national anthem played, they sang with vigor and patriotism. When the government had no money to build a university, ordinary citizens from all parts of the country contributed chickens, goats, maize and many other commodities for the sole purpose of our nation to have a quality institution of higher learning. It was on the basis of these efforts, that our nation’s first ever university; ‘the University of Zambia (UNZA),’ was established.

56 years down the line, Zambia has undergone many changes. We have had six republican presidents and we have experimented with different ideologies (both on the political and economic side) all for the purpose of responding to our unending national challenges.  

Looking at the Zambian journey thus far, one would only speculate what the opinion of our nation’s founding fathers and mothers would be. What would they really say about Zambia today? Is what is happening in our nation what they hoped for when they sacrificed to fight for our liberation? Are we as citizens doing enough to take Zambia to the next level?

It must be understood that our nation’s founders did not fight for our independence so that we could fight amongst ourselves. Our founding fathers and mothers did not fight for our nations independence so that we could divide ourselves on the basis of tribe. They fought because they believed that the fortunes of this nation were to be equally shared amongst all citizens. They believed that every Zambian regardless of their background should benefit and be given equal opportunities to make a difference in their own lives and that of others.

We must never forget the efforts of our founding fathers and mothers; instead we must honor those efforts by working towards the direction of taking charge of our own destiny and governing our own affairs as a sovereign republic. That is the vision they set and that is the vision we must follow.

The idea of a ONE Zambia is needed as the precept for every local and international activity. It is a fact that no nation that is divided in and of itself can be able to withstand the test of time, division then, is what begets Violence, Racism, Tribalism etc. from our vantage point we may differ on the basis of tribe, social status or political affiliation; but there is one thing that brings us together; it is the nation called Zambia. Despite disagreeing on many things, we must be united on one thing. We are ‘ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.’

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

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