Have you ever read, or heard, someone speaking about their one true love? About how life before him (or her) was meaningless and now that he (or she) is in their lives they are truly happy and have found meaning and all that lovey-dovey romantic stuff? They seem to view life through rose coloured glasses and the sun shines a little brighter, and all is alright in their world (at least it seems so).

Well, it is with the same awe inspiring love filled eyes that Leslie Ludy presents us to the One true Prince, the Lover of our souls, Jesus Christ.

She talks, very honestly, about her past mistakes and shortcomings where purity and guarding her heart was concerned. How she felt because of her sordid past, a pure, noble and gallant Prince would never desire her. She then discovers that He does desire her, just as she is, and as she discovers, cultivates and enjoys this intimacy with her Prince, she carries us with her on the journey and teaches us how to do the same.

In a world riddled with casual sex, one night stands, heartbreak, divorce, and abuse, it is no wonder our perceptions of true intimacy are so often skewed. – Leslie Ludy

Authentic beauty is a road map for young ladies, and older ones alike, to realize that the longing they have deep within to be swept off their feet by a knight in shining armour was placed there, and can truly be fulfilled, by Christ. The author challenges us to go beyond the surface level living and the modern day definition of purity, i.e. as long as we do not ‘technically’ have sex- we are good. She reveals to us from her life, and the life of a few others, how and why such a shallow life of giving your heart and mind and, often, body so casually results in nothing but heartache and bitterness. She challenges us to turn our backs on what society is doing and instead dive deep into knowing and discovering an eternal intimacy with our Prince (as she lovingly, and rightfully, refers to Him in the entire book).

The truth is most of us have never had this level of intimacy with anyone, let alone Christ, and it frightens us. Even Christians, we know a lot about our Prince, but we don’t really know Him. This book is an open invitation and glimpse into what kind of a life you would live if you decide to be ‘a lily among thorns’.  

Each chapter ends with practical steps that you can begin to implement today, right here and right now regardless of your current circumstances. There are thought provoking questions that she asks which make you reflect on your life and your choices in the journey to being a ‘lily-white princess’.

With a cameo from author Eric Ludy, who also happens to be her husband, we females are given a much needed, albeit short, glimpse into manhood. The three chapters written by Eric Ludy are titled ’Studying manhood’ and as a young Christian woman with several men in her life, this was really the icing on top.

In every generation, a few young women discover passionate, daily, unhindered intimacy with their true Prince, Jesus Christ. They possess an authentic beauty that flows from within.  

Leslie Ludy shows us a few such women from generations past, such as Amy Carmichael, Corrie ten Boom, Betsy ten Boom among others. This book revives, or awakens – as the case may be, a desire to live a pure, set apart life devoted to our true Prince, Jesus Christ.

We are not just called to be lilies, but lilies among thorns. A lily does not try to resemble or imitate the thorns around her. She is focused on being who she was created to be- completely set apart for her true Prince; Christ. – Leslie Ludy

In our generation, will you be one of them?

The highest form of love is the love of Christ. Therefore if you seek love, seek Christ- Temwani Muuchili Phiri.

Love is beautiful, i know, but to only love beautiful is not Love-Kelly Kalupandi Kantumoya

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.


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