Society is struggling with a very serious problem. This is a problem that many of us ignore. It is affecting the rich and the poor, the famous and the obscure, the non-religious and sadly even the most religious people. Many men are struggling with this problem and many women too, but the challenge however, is that society has failed to acknowledge and even accept that it is a problem. THIS PROBLEM, IS PORNOGRAPHY. If the world continues to handle this problem in the same manner, we will never find a solution and because of that many people will die secretly struggling with pornography addiction.

 In order to solve a problem, you must firstly acknowledge that you have a problem. It is difficult for people to talk about an issue that they cannot openly acknowledge. The sad thing however, is that society does not make an effort to publicly talk about this topic. It is time we all rise up and openly acknowledge that pornography is affecting many people; it is affecting pastors, politicians, business people and many other professionals.

When the topic of pornography is brought up, many people tend to act like saints and because of that it becomes very difficult for those afflicted with this problem to open up. Usually many people that confess to being addicted to pornography tend to be condemned, vilified and even degraded. what is even more devastating is that some of the people that are whistle blowers in the condemnation process also struggle with the same problem.

Holiness is not speaking against what is wrong, holiness is not judging others for their wrongs, holiness is doing what is right, it is being a shoulder to lean on to those that are backsliding and being an encourager to those struggling with certain addictions in their lives.

 You do not build a person to be better through condemnation, a person changes because someone has showed them that there is another way. A way that promises hope, a way that propagates unconditional love and that way, is the way of Christ.

If the holiest man to ever live never condemned a single soul for their sins, who are we?

Imagine if Jesus Christ judged us like the way we judge others, would there have been such a thing as salvation? would there be such a thing as grace? Because whether we like it or not, from time to time we all tend to fall short. If we call ourselves followers of Christ, we must follow that example.

Recently a high ranking government official was fired after a pornographic video of him was circulated in the public. Instead of offering words of encouragement and hope, instead of finding ways to try to help the man, society did what it does best. The man was condemned; the man was treated like the worst sinner. But is this what Christ would have done? Have we really responded to this crisis in a way that can reform the man?

Let this crisis be a wakeup call to all people, let us collectively address this problem, let us offer a helping hand to those struggling with it and let us find ways of making people get to open up with their challenges. That is the only we can all of us can be truly free from this problem.

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

2 thoughts on “THE POWER OF PORN

  1. Porn is really a problem and to solve it we need a serious solution to substitute it…
    Great piece👏👏👏
    Bigups guys keep it up


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