WRITER: Tusekile Joy Kapeta

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

The things you do every single day, the things that don’t look dramatic, that don’t even look like they matter, do matter. They not only make a difference – they make all the difference. THAT is the slight edge.

I loved that the things are easy to do, basically, and that is the message of the slight edge. I do not have to make any quantum leaps or changes in my daily routine or activities, instead, it is the simple daily disciplines that I do, that when compounded over time produce results and set me on the upside of the slight edge curve.

It all starts with your philosophy, which is the lens through which you view life. Your philosophy creates your attitudes, your actions, your results and ultimately your life. The author refers to your life philosophy as ‘the secret ingredient’:

‘The secret ingredient is your philosophy. The secret is to change the way you think. Once you do, then you will take the steps you need to take, to lead you to the how- to’s you need. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how- to’s will offer a real solution.’ – Jeff Olson

Are you the kind of person who blames others? Or the person who takes responsibility for their actions? Are you one who holds the belief that ‘if they pay me more, I will work harder?’ or do you believe that ‘if I work harder, they will pay me more?’

The book introduces us to a new philosophy, the slight edge philosophy, which was earlier alluded to: successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. No one sets out to be obese, or bankrupt or have failing relationships, we are looking for success in all areas of our lives. Why is it then that some people achieve this success while others don’t? It is the simple daily disciplines that in isolation look like they are producing no results but compounded with time, show which side of the success curve you are on. Without the slight edge philosophy, no matter how many financial books you read, you’re not going to be willing to do the little things that lead you to financial freedom. No matter how many seminars or workshops you attend, or YouTube videos you watch, if you don’t absorb this philosophy of simple steps and their compounded effect over time, you won’t successfully apply those things you learn to create the results you want. The simplicity of the philosophy of the slight edge means I can start today, right now and be on the upside of the slight edge curve, i.e. success.

What is the slight edge curve?

The slight edge curve has two sides; the success curve leads upwards and only five percent achieve this (only one in twenty people) and the failure curve that leads downwards; ninety five percent of people are either failing or falling short. What are the five percent doing that the ninety five percent aren’t?

The simple things, that are easy to do. And because they are easy to do, they are also easy not to do, anyone can do them – but most won’t

I did not care much for the redundancy the author used to drive the point home; but to his credit, repetition is the best teacher, and as a result, I can recount the slight edge philosophy in my sleep. However, knowledge alone isn’t enough, in order for me to see a change in my life, I actually have to practically apply what I have learnt and Jeff Olson also provided a guide for that as well. Each chapter ends with ‘key points’ and slight edge testimonials from readers (bear in mind that this is the revised edition).

I cannot recommend this book enough, and as one reader put it; the slight edge is the book that ties all other personal development books together.

Favourite Quote:

Do the thing, and you shall have the power

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is no mystery to success. if you adopt positive habits your life will change for the better -Temwani Muuchili Phiri

Your identity emerges out of complex and nuanced habits that you have- Kelly Kalupandi Kantumoya

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

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