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MEET: Chipego Siamoongwa

“I was born on June 15th, 1999 at Nakeempa clinic, Choma, in Zambias Southern province.  We are twelve in my family plus my parents who happen to be farmers. I spent most of my childhood looking after cattle and working in the fields throughout the years in the outskirts of Choma town so as to sustain my needs,” recounted the young author.

While growing up, during school days he had to walk barefoot for a 20km distance from his village to school, something he said prompted him to work hard in life. Upon passing his Grade Seven exams, his results got him a school place at Sikalongo Secondary School. “That was the beginning of a modern life for me.”

 He grew up a happy man but only realised how bad life was when he left the farm area to the metropolitan as he pursued his educational quest at Sikalongo Secondary School. There, he used to be mocked by his fellow classmates because of his Tonga accent while speaking English. During his stay at Sikalongo, Chipego did his Grade Eight and Nine and later moved to St Paul’s for his tenth Grade after passing grade nine with exceptional results. He did his grade ten to twelve at St Paul’s were he got multiple awards in various academic fields and scored excellent final exam results with four distinctions in Math, Science, English and Civic Education.


At the age 19 he was accepted to pursue Bachelor of Accounting and Finance at the University of Zambia but due to lack of financial support, he couldn’t continue. He is now engaged to study Bachelor of Business Administration, Accountancy and Marketing at the Copperbelt University commencing in November this year.


The African Side is a book that drives through the analytical version of the challenges that seem to cripple the stability and development of the African Continent. The author brings out key challenges and lucrative solutions that will curb the vice of underdevelopment.

Prepare to be taught, bewildered and have your thoughts provoked as you flow through the written wisdom that can turn Africa into an earthly heaven, concluded Chipego.


You can purchase his book or get in touch for an interaction with the author;

Contact Delano:

Cell: +260 97 4781863

Payment method: Airtel Money:  + 260 97 4781863


Cell: Mr Peter Mukuma: +260 97 3032085


Every person wants to make an impact and every person is desirous of doing the impossible. The key therefore, to achieve the things start with making the decision to move in that direction -Temwani Muuchili Phiri

No one person is a monopoly of brilliance, brilliance exists in many forms; Find and embrace yours- Kelly Kalupandi Kantumoya

The destination is worth the struggle- Tusekile Joy Kapeta

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

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