The Millennial Debate: “Should I do what I love or what pays?”  rages through the mind of every young person out there; It is of no doubt that following your passion doesn’t always translate into a high-paying job or financial freedom, it doesn’t always promise a table full of your favourite food. So what should we do? Should we suck it up and find work in a more stable but less interesting field? Should we follow the principle that we have to do what we have to do?

Money is a very powerful thing, it builds empires and breaks down kingdoms, it allows for dreams to come true and it takes others away, it makes some people happy and others completely miserable. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness and many will even argue that money=happiness, asserted Sioban Harmer.

Why is this line of though problematic? it leads many people to stray down a path that doesn’t best suit them, choosing the paper trail makes you believe that a stable job is an asset when in the actual sense every Job is a liability, the asset is the individual working out the job. Although money is great and can buy us all the things that will temporarily make us happy, no amount of money can buy time.  And like the individual, time is our most valuable asset, and it is something that while on this earth we should spend most wisely. You shouldn’t feel like you’re mindlessly wasting your life away.

Purpose on the other hand is the reason you exist, what does this mean? It means that a person that chooses to pursue anything other than their purpose is no different from a lifeless being. It is only in purpose that people find satisfaction, what does this mean? If you chose to pursue anything outside your purpose, chances are that you will live your life like it’s a weight on your shoulders.

As extractions from a beautiful mind we believe we are all equipped with brilliance and passion that is enough to steer us in a direction where we will be enough, you should always follow your passion to your purpose, your passion may not pay right away, but you should view that time as a learning phase. You have to learn, grow and hone your craft before it can start to really make you dine before kings and queens.  Embedded in purpose is a gift, according to proverbs 18:16, it is this gift that will open doors for you and bring you before great me. Don’t settle for something other than what you’re passionate about dear brothers and sisters. Show me a person living in purpose and I will show you a perfect picture of brilliance, and brilliance exists in many forms. Find yours.

Rare are the people that despise wealth and success, but many are the people that despise the wealthy; And since the creation of the human race, you will notice that the happiest people you’ll ever meet are those living in purpose and not luxury. Luxury is a good thing but living a life of purpose is a greater thing. The world today settles for convenience at the expense of the big picture. The world today ignores visionaries and embraces those who are living a lie; However, one thing is true, you can’t ignore or undermine a visionary forever; the laws of life have been structured in such a way that a person living in alignment with what they have been called to do will always find happiness and success. The laws of life, are no respecter of persons, the laws respect alignment and aligning with your purpose is the greatest decision one can ever make.

Matthew 6 vs 33 says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” A simple interpretation of this scripture is the following;

If you seek for the kingdom of God you will find it, and finding the kingdom will lead to your purpose being revealed and once your purpose is revealed, money and all things that you desire will come to you.

PAULO COELHO in his book ALEPH writes;

“Sooner or later, we will realize that we are all part of something, even if we can’t understand rationally what that something really is. They say that in the second before our death, each of us understands the real reason for our existence, and out of that moment, Heaven or Hell is born.Hell is when we look back during that fraction of a second and know that we wasted an opportunity to dignify the miracle of life. Paradise is being able to say at that moment. “I made some mistakes, but I wasn’t a coward. I lived my life and did what I had to do

Published by Extractions From A Beautiful Mind.

Young people who understand that dreams are Free.

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